
Managing Your Trainees

NOTE: You MUST have created a Group first before proceeding with enrolling students. If you haven’t yet, please read the documentation here first.

Trainee Course Status

As well as seeing an overview on the Group Management page, you can monitor your trainees’ status in their course using the Course Report found under the “Reports” button dropdown.

This page also allows you to export your group’s status with the “Export CSV” button.

Viewing Your Trainees’ Certificates

You can view your trainees’ certificates using the “Report” button > “Progress” or clicking here.

Just search for your trainee in the search bar and once found, click the “Certificate” button to open their PDF certificate in a new window.

If there is no “Certificate” button next to the status bar, this means the trainee hasn’t completed their course. You have the ability to manually complete the course for them by ticking the checkbox next to the course name and “Confirm.”

This records the trainee as having completed the course and then the certificate is generated.

Emailing Trainees

If you would like to email your trainees, you can do so by clicking the “Users” dropdown button under the “Enrolled Users” section.

Click “Email Users” in the dropdown menu and then you can choose who to email: those trainees who haven’t started their course, are in progress, or have completed their course (This can be helpful if you would like to remind those who haven’t finished their course).

Then you can compose your email in the box below and click send.

Removing Trainees

If you would like to remove trainees from your group, click the checkbox next to your trainee’s name in the Enrolled Users table in the Group Management page.

Then click “Remove User(s)” button that appears above the table.

You can select multiple users at a time or tick the checkbox in the header row to select all users.

Managing Group Leaders

If you would like to add a Group Leader to your group, you can do so in the “Group Leaders” section below the Enrolled Users table.

Just click the “Add Group Leader” button and input the person’s data in the popup.

Policy Templates

As a Group Leader, you have access to Policy Templates, which you can find in the menu under My Courses, as well as other resources.

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