
Enrolling Trainees

NOTE: You MUST have created a Group first before proceeding with enrolling students. If you haven’t yet, please read the documentation here first.

Getting Started

Now that your group has been created, your next step is to enroll your trainees into the User Training course so they can complete their training.

In the menu above, you now see a new Group Management page. This area is where you enroll your trainees and keep track of their progress.

Once in the Group Management page, find the “Enrolled Users” section.

Enrollment Methods

There are 2 ways to enroll your trainees into their training course:

  1. “Add and invite user” (Recommended): This option automatically adds your trainee(s) into your course. Your trainee receives an email with a password automatically generated for them and they simply login with their credentials and can take their course.
  2. “Send enrollment key”: Choosing this option generates a unique enrollment key for each trainee, which is required to enter in order to join your group. Your trainee receives an email with a link to the Registration page, where they create their account details and enter the unique enrollment key. Upon this registration, they are added to your group and can take their course.

Enrollment Quantities

Once decided on an enrollment method, you then can choose how many trainees you want to enroll.

If you find the “Users” dropdown button above the table, you see there are different options:

“Add one”
This allows you to add just one (1) user to your group. In the popup, you add their name and email and select the enrollment method (see above).

“Add multiple”
This allows you to add up to 25 users to your group, however you must manually type in the trainees’ names and email addresses.

“Upload Users”
If you already have a list of trainees you want to join, the easiest way is to upload via a CSV file.

With this option, you can choose to “Suppress email (keys to be manually distributed).” This means that no email is sent to your trainees that you’re uploading. You will receive a list of enrollment keys to give to your trainees manually and then they can register.

“Download Keys”
With this, you download the keys you can manually give out to trainees to enroll in your group via the Registration page.

Viewing Your Trainees

Once you’ve enrolled your trainees, you can see all of them in the table in the Enrolled Users section of the Group Management page.

You can view trainees names, email, status in the course and unique enrollment key.

For more information on managing your trainees in the Group Management page, please see the article here.

Adding More Trainees

If at any point you would like more trainees in your group than you initially enrolled, there is an option to add more trainees.

Under the “Enrolled Users” section, next to the quantity of X Trainees Remaining / X Total Trainees, there is an “Add Seats” button.

Once clicked, you are taken to the cart where you can enter the quantity desired and click “Update cart.”

Then click the “Proceed to checkout” button and complete checkout. After your order is finished, go back to the Group Management page to enroll any more trainees.

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